Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Favorite Quote from Sweded Movie Project

The movie that I think we're doing for the movie project is the infamous Monty Python and the Holy Grail

There are so many awesome lines in this movie, but my favorite bit has to come from the Book of Armaments  when talking about the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

The last bit gets me every time  "And those who be naughty in my sight...shall snuff it"


#19 Internet History

I thought that this video was very well done. It was informative and somewhat intriguing. The presentation was very interesting, those graphics were awesome! It was so much more interesting than the day we spent on the history of the internet in my Media and Culture class last semester. The voice over was done very well too. There is something about a British accent that makes sound instantly intellectual and interesting.
     I knew most of the things that were presented in the video, like DARPA and the ARPAnet. I did not know about the counterparts from the Brits and the French. I thought was interesting that it was the French that came up with the term "internet". Who knew? And they came up with a way to streamline the process of information moving from one server to another. I didn't understand all of the technical talk that went on the video, but I got the gist of it. It is indeed remarkable that some form of the internet has existed since the 1960s. There have been so many changes and improvements.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Here are five movies that I think would be awesome to do for the group project

1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

2. RED

3. The Princess Bride

4. Inception

5. The Matrix

I'm pretty sure our group is leaning towards either Monty Python or RED. 

Design Aesthetic

One of my favorite websites is the Barnes&Noble website :

I love this website because the it is neat, looks clean, and does not have too much stuff on the home page.

Alejandro and Moira Sina

These two are the team of artists that I'm doing my project on. They work with lights for their artwork as seen below
And here is the link to their super cool website  -

Dean Kamen

This is a fountain vending machine that Dean Kamen helped invent with Coca-Cola. I chose this one because I've actually seen one! There is one in the Atlanta airport at the Chick-fil-a in C-concourse I think.

It was totally one of these and its awesome because it has a lot of drinks and its a touch screen and it reminds me of the Jetsons.